Customer Analysis Project

Implementation of a Customer Analysis Project in a bank

The product organisation “Cash Management and Transaction Services” is responsible for all products and services on the credit side of the bank. Among these are Current Account products but also various types of online payment systems for businesses and support of business credit and procurement cards. Furthermore, this business unit is responsible for the administration of bank accounts of large Dutch (subsidiary) corporations abroad, under the name “International Desk”.

The assignment to my company was to design and introduce a customer analysis model, which would provide a clear insight into the legal relationships between the Dutch mother company and the foreign subsidiary for the bank’s commercial employees. For this purpose, I used existing data warehouse applications in the bank’s international network. By smart linking data from various sources and processing of this data in automated management reports, I created a detailed management information system, which was launched on all International Desk locations.

Document Management System

Implementation of document management system in a city council

This 35.000 inhabitants city in the province of “North Holland” plays a progressive role in offering online services to its citizens through Internet. Besides it was one of the first Dutch cities in the regions that switched from the old “directorate” governance model to a performance-oriented organisation of departments and line managers. The IT infrastructure got redesigned as well, both in the “soft” and the “hard” sense. One of the core developments was the introduction of a document management system especially designed for public governance organisations. This system combines digitised document traffic with detailed administrative process control and provides much better insight in decision-making procedures for both citizens and civil servants.

The assignment to my company was to coordinate and conduct the implementation of this document and workflow management system. Besides developing and conducting a comprehensive classical training programme for over a hundred civil servants, this assignment consisted of shaping and redesigning internal processes, ad-hoc support of all parts of the organisation in adopting the system, maintenance of all supplier contacts and participation in a regional user forum of cities in the same region.

Role Based Access Control Project

Implementation of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) in an IT department

The business unit “Information Technology” supports the international part of this organisation with branches all over the world. Early 2003, this business unit adopted an “outsource” model whereby all core IT processes were contracted out to a large international vendor. Within the business unit, the “Operational Excellence” programme was started to safeguard and enhance the quality of the outsourced processes. This was vested into approximately ten different programmes, each consisting of various projects. The “Control Processes” programme is dedicated to standardise global application access for internal users (permanent and temporary staff, contractors), based on the directives of compliance protocols such as Sarbanes Oxley.

The assignment to my company was to launch a project for the introduction of “Role Based Access Control” on all branch locations world wide, piloted in the London branch offices. As project manager, I was responsible for managing a project team, which consisted of both internal employees as well as third party specialists. Next to the responsibility for time lines, budget control and resource management, I was also involved in the technical design of the RBAC model and the authorisation and acceptance of this model by both internal parties and external auditors. After completion of the project initiation stage, the operational management of the production part of the project was transferred to an internal project leader.