Region Alert Registration System

Development and implementation of a Neighbourhood Alert Registration System in a city council

This 35.000 inhabitants city in the province of “North Holland” plays a progressive role in offering online services to its citizens through Internet. The city was among the first ones in the region to start a “digital counter” on her website, which allowed citizens to order all kinds of government products such as passports and certificates of birth and citizenship. As part of this service, this counter also provides citizens the possibility to file neighbourhood related incidents and complaints though various media (website, email, telephone), the so called “neighbourhood notice”. These notices will be acknowledged and dealt with by the neighbourhood representative within the organisation.

The assignment to my company was to develop and implement a simple but useful registration system for these notices that would allow user friendly application on a dedicated service phone number by an “intake” team of telephone operators. This application was developed in MS Access / VBA.

Role Based Access Control Project

Implementation of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) in an IT department

The business unit “Information Technology” supports the international part of this organisation with branches all over the world. Early 2003, this business unit adopted an “outsource” model whereby all core IT processes were contracted out to a large international vendor. Within the business unit, the “Operational Excellence” programme was started to safeguard and enhance the quality of the outsourced processes. This was vested into approximately ten different programmes, each consisting of various projects. The “Control Processes” programme is dedicated to standardise global application access for internal users (permanent and temporary staff, contractors), based on the directives of compliance protocols such as Sarbanes Oxley.

The assignment to my company was to launch a project for the introduction of “Role Based Access Control” on all branch locations world wide, piloted in the London branch offices. As project manager, I was responsible for managing a project team, which consisted of both internal employees as well as third party specialists. Next to the responsibility for time lines, budget control and resource management, I was also involved in the technical design of the RBAC model and the authorisation and acceptance of this model by both internal parties and external auditors. After completion of the project initiation stage, the operational management of the production part of the project was transferred to an internal project leader.