Development and implementation of a Customer Relationship Management System in a hotel

This Dutch owned hotel in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, operates 75 rooms and apartments for the higher middle class of European and American mountaineers and mountain tourists. The hotel is equipped with an – for its segment – extensive and progressive ICT infrastructure, consisting of an advanced reservation system and various linked services, such as modern phone and mobile internet connection systems and “point of sales” outlets throughout the hotel. The hotel is characterised by a unique hospitable and very warm atmosphere of western service with a “Nepalese flavour”.

The assignment to my company was to develop and implement a simple but useful Customer Relationship Management system, which would be of service to the steady international clientele of the hotel in various ways, both inside and outside the tourist seasons. The system is linked to a “state-of-the-art” website with various interactive possibilities for reservations and news provision. The system was developed in MS Access / VBA.