Implementation of document management system in a city council

This 35.000 inhabitants city in the province of “North Holland” plays a progressive role in offering online services to its citizens through Internet. Besides it was one of the first Dutch cities in the regions that switched from the old “directorate” governance model to a performance-oriented organisation of departments and line managers. The IT infrastructure got redesigned as well, both in the “soft” and the “hard” sense. One of the core developments was the introduction of a document management system especially designed for public governance organisations. This system combines digitised document traffic with detailed administrative process control and provides much better insight in decision-making procedures for both citizens and civil servants.

The assignment to my company was to coordinate and conduct the implementation of this document and workflow management system. Besides developing and conducting a comprehensive classical training programme for over a hundred civil servants, this assignment consisted of shaping and redesigning internal processes, ad-hoc support of all parts of the organisation in adopting the system, maintenance of all supplier contacts and participation in a regional user forum of cities in the same region.